Thursday, March 17, 2011

My Brain is a Tumble Dryer of Thought-like Things

Having something great to offer to the world seems to be an increasingly big deal, yet the idea of common good seems to be fading fast.

Think about your state of mind when you watch a movie. Other than possibly critiquing it as you watch, you aren't thinking about other things, but are receptive to what is in front of you. Try doing that when you are walking down the street. Once you've gotten good at that, try getting there in your head while staring at a blank wall.

Why do I feel my intelligence has been insulted when somebody corrects me on something I know little about? Or even when I know a lot about it, for that matter.

I really need to stop entering philosophical/religious discussions in order to convince people. It is both presumptuous and pompous. Likewise, I need to curb my need to justify myself when I am on the other end of the conversation.

People who grin when they are wrong are weird.
People who grin when they are right are creeps.

People who smile when they are right are great.
People who smile when they find they are wrong are fabulous.

When somebody says, "That is not like you," reply with, "It was."

No fortress is impregnable. Which is good, because that means you can put people in it.

If something you do does not bring you goods or recognition, can it not still have worth?

Accepting things as they are is not the same as taking things at face value.

If you think there is the concept of a perfect thing and yet it can't be achieved or found, why even bother with the concept of "perfect"? Just go with "better." If you still insist on this concept, go find a tree or a rock and look at it for a second. It does exactly what it is supposed to without needing a flawless version of itself. It is perfect.

Giving while expecting reciprocation is not truly giving.
Receiving without reciprocating makes you a dick.

Any magic(k), divine influences, or otherwise supernatural occurrences can probably be explained. However, maybe not all of them should be.

I think I've forgotten something very important, but I was too young to remember.

Everything I know is infinitesimal compared to how exciting everything I don't know is.

Those are all the things. I got no more things to say.


  1. When I start my brain on tumble there's much more negative static. Note to self, but static guard

  2. Any magic(k), divine influences, or otherwise supernatural occurrences can probably be explained. However, maybe not all of them should be....

    .... just because there is a physical explanation does not mean there isn't something divine behind it.
